Student Employment Checklist

Student Employment Checklist

This page is for departments interested in employing students. Students looking for info about on-campus jobs see: Student Payroll Pages

PLEASE NOTE: We understand that many departments may be operating virtually, at least temporarily.  In order to remain compliant with tax regulations, student employees must perform all work in service to the College within the State of California, including any work done remotely.


New Student Worker Hires


1) Employment Paperwork Complete*

If student has never worked for SMC before, they will need to fill out all of their Employment Paperwork and bring the proper ORIGINAL & UNEXPIRED work authorization document(s) to Human Resources (HR) Office. 

Please send this information link to those who need to complete the Employment Paperwork with HR.  This process including the in-person document review with HR must be complete BEFORE starting any work:

View New Hire Paperwork (Student Employees)

If your student worker will have access to confidential information (student records, employee data, etc.) they should complete the Student Employee Confidentiality Agreement, see link below.

*International students should review the information provided by the Center for International Programs and consult with the Center prior to beginning work. Please direct them to this page: CIP Working in the US


2) Student New Hire Notification Form to Payroll

Supervisor/hiring department (not the student) needs to complete the "Student New Hire Form" with authorized budget signature from department. This form notifies payroll that you've hired a student and will generate a new Time Entry in GaelXpress under your Time Approval screen. This form is also located in: Payroll Forms

See also: Student Wage Scale

Please note that California minimum wage is scheduled to increase January 1, 2024 to $16.00/hr. For the future minimum wage rates see: CA Dept. of Industrial Relations Website.


3) 2024/2025 Federal Work Study (FWS) Contract (if applicable)

The Federal Work-Study program provides funds to cover wages paid to eligible students. The Financial Aid Department manages this program, and determines both the award amount ($) and eligibility of individual students.

The benefit to the hiring department is that FWS awards provide funds to cover student wages. The benefit to the FWS eligible student is that they may be able to work more hours than they otherwise would if the department had to fund the student wages themselves. FWS is NOT a scholarship to the student, it simply provides funds for wages they may earn. i.e. If a $1000 FWS allocation is received, the student is eligible for up to $1000 in wages paid by the FWS program. 

  1. Award amount & eligibility confirmed with student?
  2. 2024/2025 FWS Contract signed & delivered to Financial Aid? (they will deliver to Payroll once authorized)
  3. Please reach out to Financial Aid Office for further guidance on this process, or if you have not received a blank 2024/2025 FWS contract. They can be reached at, 925.631.4626


Returning Student Workers


1) Confirm the Hourly Rate

Will the pay rate be the same for this academic year? Please feel free to confirm current assigned pay rates with Payroll. If you would like to increase any returning students pay rate due to new position or increase in duties/responsibilities, you would fill out the Student Rate Change Form located in: Payroll Forms.

See also: Student Wage Scale

Please note that California minimum wage is scheduled to increase January 1, 2024 to $16.00/hr. For the future minimum wage rates see: CA Dept. of Industrial Relations Website.


2) 2024/2025 Federal Work Study (FWS) Contract (if applicable)

Are they FWS eligible for 2024/2025? (all FWS contracts for AY2023/2024 ended June 30, 2024)

  1. Award amount & eligibility confirmed with student?
  2. 2024/2025 FWS Contract signed & delivered to Financial Aid? (they will deliver to Payroll once authorized)
  3. Please reach out to Financial Aid Office for further guidance on this process, or if you have not received a blank 2024/2025 FWS contract. They can be reached at, 925.631.4626

3) GaelXpress Time Approval (for supervisors)

  1. Are your returning student workers showing up in your GaelXpress Time Approval screen? If yes, is the position correctly labeled as FWS (or not)? If no, please contact Payroll. For any students not returning to work for you, please email Payroll your list of students to remove.


Important Contacts


Payroll Office Staff

Financial Aid Office (FWS Program)

  • Karla Henriquez, Assistant Director, x4337
  • Financial Aid Federal Work Study (FWS) General Inquiries:, 925.631.4626

Center for International Programs (Int'l students)

  • Ashley Cross, Assistant Director & Int'l Student Advisor, x4352